The south west of Western Australia is widely considered as a plant biodiversity hotspot and is a haven for earth mother and nature lovers alike.
The south west is widely considered to be a biodiversity hotspot with over 5700 native plant species with many found nowhere else on earth. An amazing 79 per cent of the 5700 species are only found in Western Australia and over half are endemic to the south west.
Springtime draws the crowds with the abundance of wildflowers on display. Take in the breathtaking views and see the annual nature spectacle that certainly draws the crowds to the Stirling Range, Porongurup, Torndirrup, Gull Rock and Waychinicup National Parks. Between August to November a display of vivid colours of wildflowers, lure many visitors to the region as mother nature's true beauty is on display.

Gull Rock National Park
Gull Rock National Park and the adjacent Mount Martin Regional Botanic Park is an area with exceptional botanical richness and the National Park represents the endemic flora of Albany. Many rare plant species including Corybas limpidus crystal helmet orchid, Adenanthos cunninghamii, Banksia verticillata and Stylidium plantagineum are also found in the National Park.
Areas of banksia woodland, sheoak forest, open heath and grassed dunes can all be found within the park. Notable flora include Banksia coccinea, Hakea elliptica, Allocasuarina trichodon, Agonis marginata and Dryandra formosa. The area is home to the most significant remaining stands of scarlet banksia, Banksia coccinea, in the region, however this community is threatened by Phytophthora dieback.
There is plenty of species of wildflowers within the park including the Caladenia flava, commonly known as the cowslip orchid, Andersonia caerulea known as foxtails, Adenanthos obovatus known as basket flower, Borina spathulate and Johnsomoa teretifolia known as hooded lily.